Queer Living
Inter* Trans* Counseling Center
Deutsch Leichte Sprache
We are a counseling center for trans*, inter* and non-binary people. Our counselors have extensive knowledge in the social, medical and legal fields. We would like to make this knowledge available. Questions about trans*, inter* and non-binary issues are often linked to other topics. For example, we also provide advice on parenting and relationship issues, psychological stress such as depression or anxiety, or the situation in daycare, school or at work. Our location is directly on Hermannplatz at Hermannstr. 256-258 on the 3rd floor. If you would like a (free) appointment, you can reach us at: beratung@queer-leben.de or by phone on (030) 44 66 88-111 or -114. If you email us, you will receive an automatic reply email and will be added directly to the waiting list. In any case, be patient until we get back to you with an appointment suggestion, because we have many requests - at the moment the waiting time until a counselor gets back to you with an appointment suggestion is about 13-15 weeks.
If you have a concern about physical, psychological or hate violence, please contact our specialized TIN* anti-violence counselling service directly at beratung@tinantigewalt.de. It has its own waiting list for these issues with shorter waiting times.
On Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m., there is an open live consultation hour at our location on Hermannplatz, where short concerns (e.g. recommendations for finding a therapy place or doctors*) can be clarified in 25-minute appointments. Please call (030) 44 66 88-111 from 9 a.m. on Thursdays and request an appointment for the open ITB consultation on the same afternoon.
We also have a telephone consultation hour for short questions on Fridays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on (030) 44 66 88-146.
Inter or intersex, refers to persons who are born with a body that does not fit the common societal ideas about sex. These common ideas are based on a binary division of sex, which assumes that all persons can be classified as either male or female. Inter*, or intersex, is a term coming from the inter* community, and the asterisk is intended to represent the many self-definitions that people may also use. Within the health care system, the terms “intersexuality” and “DSD” (Disorders of Sex Development) are common. Inter* people, their parents and relatives usually discover in a medical setting that something is “different” about their bodies. Often there is no adequate terminology to describe these “differences”. Maybe somebody has told you that your physical appearance or your hormonal levels don’t match what is common. Terms like “syndrome”, “hormonal disorder” or “disease” may have been used. Possibly you as parents of an inter*child were advised to terminate the pregnancy early on, or to let your child be medically treated or undergo operations. Such situations can scare you, and they can certainly make you uncomfortable. We think this is a very understandable reaction. For us, to be intersex or inter* is not a disease, but is rather an equally worthy, lovable and loving way of being that enriches the sexual continuum. We accept you in your body and your definition of yourself and do not judge you. We are aware that parents wish for a happy childhood for their children, and that finding one’s way among different perspectives and advice, while not losing sight of one’s own opinions, can be challenging.
According to our definition, “trans*” refers to persons who do not (also: not entirely, or not always) identify with the sex they were assigned at birth. If you are questioning your gender identity, you are welcome to approach us for counseling. You decide, however, if “trans*” is a suitable term for you. We use “trans*” (with an asterisk) in order to encompass as many trans identities as possible, including, but not limited to, transsexual, transgender and gender-queer people. We regard neither trans* nor transsexuality as an illness or disorder. We do know, however, that trans* people often wish for physical adjustments and therefore are dependent on medical diagnosis. Our position is that trans* or transsexuality cannot be diagnosed from an outside perspective, but rather is an inner truth that a person can only determine for him_herself.
In our counseling center, the employees identify as inter*-, trans* and/or queer. Their lived experience enhances their extensive therapeutic and counseling expertise. The focus of our counseling center is on the areas of inter* and trans*, but these topics do not have to be part of the counseling session if they are not part of your concern(s). If you can’t or don’t want to come by personally, we are happy to offer counseling via email or over the phone. For counseling via email, please send us an email at: beratung@queer-leben.de How we counsel In our conversations with you, we focus on your reason(s) for coming to us. We can share our knowledge and experience and refer you to others who can assist you in other ways. Therefore, we also ask you questions in order to better understand your situation. If something gets too personal, please tell us. It is very important for us that you leave the counseling session not only with more information and knowledge, but also with more power and self-confidence. We take time for this. We counsel inter* people without a pre-determined goal. We wish to stop immediately sex-alignment treatments on persons who are not completely informed or for any reason cannot give their consent to such treatments, and we let this be a guiding principle of our work. In trans* counseling, we take a clear non-pathologising position. Our counseling takes into account the current judicial and medical situation as it pertains to trans* people. When we offer further training and development to medical or other professionals, we strive to communicate the most up-to-date knowledge and develop an accessible common language that we use throughout our activities.
Who we counsel
- Families – people who take responsibility for children, whether as single parents or together with others
- Young people and adults who feel connected to the terms trans*, inter*, or queer or who are “gender questioning”
- Couples and people in relationships – with two or more people, friendships etc.
Mission statement
We see both inter* and trans* not as diseases or disorders, but as lovable and loving ways of being that enrich the continuum of sex and gender. We want to offer you a safe place where you, as a inter*, trans* or queer person, will be accepted with your body and your way of defining yourself. At Queer Leben you can find time and space to sort out your questions and needs. Inter*, trans* and queer realities are very diverse, and despite all the differences among inter* and trans* people, there are also similarities. Both groups encounter discrimination and stigmatization. Both groups are subjected to pathologisation and have to make their own decisions. We are aware of the difficulties that you and those close to you may encounter. The topics of sex and gender identity seldom appear in isolation from other issues in your life. Often they overlap with other themes, questions and life stages. Depending on your national and/or cultural origin, biographical background, life experiences and possibilities for social participation, you and those close to you may be confronted with a diverse range of discriminatory practices. Additionally, other factors in your life situation and surroundings can complicate matters. Possible solutions and ways to deal with these situations vary considerably. These life circumstances can affect the topics of trans* and inter* as they appear in your life, and we try to approach these issues as well with respect and sensibility. We explicitly invite you to give us feedback on our work, especially if you feel in any way that your boundaries have been crossed. We are open for criticism and continuously strive to improve ourselves and our services.
INTER DEPARTMENT: Florin Robi Lüdtke TRANS DEPARTMENT: Yoan Freund, Chris Henzel, Benyamin Jakob, Lena Klatte, Finn Lorenz // TEAMLEAD: Leo Yannick Wild
Inter*Trans*Beratung QUEER LEBEN Hermannstr. 256-258 12049 Berlin-Neukölln Phone: +49 30 44 66 88-114 How to get there: U7/U8 Hermannplatz, 2 min walk, 3rd floor, elevator, wheel-chair accessible toilet and rooms